4: Crafting An Expert Facebook Ad with Taki Moore
Taki Moore is regarded by many as the world’s #1 business a executive coach lead generation expert.He is the CEO and founder of Coach Marketing Machine. EPISODE Taki Moore achieves his success by creating success for others, and he does this by helping coaches start up or reboot their coaching careers. His techniques mostly involve building a list of opt-ins directly from Facebook Ads, and he is a firm believer in testing, testing, testing, and then being able to drop the funnels that aren't working for you, even if they were a big investment on the front end. He’s also a big advocate of making that investment for pushing out great content. In this episode, Taki explains how his plan is killer for your coaching business, as well as some amazing tips on: what type of ads are driving the most conversion? Sidebar? Newsfeed? Retargeting? how to improve webinar show-up rates getting seats filled at a live event look-a-like audiences how to get the most out of the LeadPages experience For complete shownotes and more, please head over to www.marketingspeak.com/takimoore LINKS a RESOURCES MENTIONED Leadpages Improvely Coach Marketing Machine STEP UP YOUR MARKETING GAME! Create a great lead magnet with a "quick win" ideology, like a whitepaper or a checklist Test a few different content options. Would video best serve your audience or a document? Figure out your goals for your Facebook Ads sales funnel. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! As always, thank you for tuning in. Please feel free to drop by the website to contact me or leave a comment. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it! -StephanSTAY CONNECTED 10 Point Facebook Ads Checklist - Free eBook | Twitter