The Real Presence as Parousia
What does the second coming have to do with the Mass and the Eucharist? For most Protestants today, the Greek word parousia in the writings of St. Paul conjures up an image of the second coming. But when St. Paul uses parousia, meaning “presence,” he’s really referring to Christ’s physical presence veiled in the Eucharist. On this episode of The Road to Emmaus, Scott Hahn opens the Scriptures for a fuller understanding of Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist. Learn More Where does St. Paul refer to the Eucharist in his letters? Learn the answer to this question and more in The Eucharist in Scripture, a new study by the St. Paul Center. The Mass is one of the most familiar parts of Catholic life. In The Lamb’s Supper, Scott Hahn brings the supernatural drama of the Mass to life for all Catholics. Long before the New Testament was a document, it was a sacrament. Learn more in Scott Hahn’s Consuming the Word. Learn more about the historical life of Jesus and what His life means for us today in Pope Benedict XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration. Another invaluable resource by Pope Benedict, written as Joseph Ratzinger before his papacy, is his Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life, which focuses on the four “last things”—heaven and hell, purgatory and judgment, death and the immortality of the soul.