22. How to Preserve Fresh Herbs for Later
Herbs have always seemed to be hit or miss for me. While I love the flavor fresh herbs bring to my cooking, I tend to either have more than I know what to do with or none at all. If you’v ever experienced this problem, this is the episode you’ve been waiting for. I detail my four favorite methods of preserving herbs for the long haul. Many of you are likely aware of dried herbs. While I do cover dried herbs, I dive into three other techniques that are less common but just as effective. If you want to prepare tasty meals through any season you don’t want to miss this episode. Some highlights from the episode: Drying herbs is simple, but is it most effective? How long dried herbs last Why ice trays are my secret weapon For my complete guide on how to eat like a Farmer even if you live in the city, head to http://www.heritagekitchenhandbook.com right now to get started.