S1-21. The symbiotic relationship between literacy and science: Jacquey Barber

Jacquey Barber, director of design a development at UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science, examines her research on the symbiotic relationship between literacy and science and what educators should be looking for in high-quality, literacy-rich science curricula. Quotes:  “Literacy is a domain in search of content; science is a domain in need of communication.” “Develop opportunities for students to learn to read, write, and talk like scientists do.” Resources: UCLA CRESSTThe Knowledge Gap: The Hidden Cause of America's Broken Education System—and How to Fix It by Natalie Wexler No More Science Kits or Texts in Isolation by Jacqueline Barber and Gina Cervetti. Podcast Discussion Guide Want to discuss the episode? Join our Facebook group Science of Reading: The Community.

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