The New Google Sites - GTT003
Download Episode [tweetshare tweet="Learn all about the new Google Sites in Episode 3! #gttribe #googleedu #edtech" username="GTeacherTribe"]GOOGLE NEWS AND UPDATES Toontastic 3D now available Get Toontastic YouTubers create education content on learning languages Mandarin Chinese! #LearnALanguage Deeplink: French! #LearnALanguage Deeplink: Hindi! #LearnALanguage Deeplink: Italian! #LearnALanguage Deeplink: Japanese! #LearnALanguage Deeplink: Arabic! #LearnALanguage Deeplink: Portuguese! #LearnALanguage Deeplink: Russian! #LearnALanguage Deeplink: New Chromebooks: Android apps: Last May, Google announced that Android apps were coming to Chromebooks. In the coming weeks, Chromebook administrators will be able to create a library of approved Android apps and install them on select managed Chromebooks. Students will be able to access millions of Android apps, like Toontastic and Science Journal, for learning both online and offline. Featured Content New Google Sites The new Google Sites allow for a beautiful design with easy click to add, drag and drop elements including Google files (Docs, Slides, Sheets, Forms, Charts). The new sites also allow creators to embed maps, YouTube videos, calendars on easy to manage and arranged pages. The themes are elegant to design easily and collaborate to let others edit a site. Great a good entry point for newer users and those that don’t need fancy options when designing websites. Shoutout to #gafechat and Kelly Fitzgerald Ways to use Google Sites: Websites for projects Parent portal Video repository ePortfolios Training site Resources Google Sites Cheat Sheet (1-pager from Google) New Google Sites videos, podcasts, and resources from TeacherCast New Google Sites Cheat Sheet from Jenn Judkins Christy Fennewald has put together this great Google Slides presentation that really will tell you everything you need to know to get started. The New Google Sites: The Good, The Bad, and Nothing Ugly (Shake Up Learning) NEW Google Sites: 10 things teachers must know (Ditch That Textbook) ON THE BLOGS Matt - Preparing students for a start-up, entrepreneur-driven world Kasey - Help Me Create an Educational Hashtag Database (similar to Chrome App and Extension Database) MAILBAG Paula Frank (Christ the King School in Little Rock, AR): Have you heard when we GSUITE users will be able to use Google Play Store? As of last week, it is still grayed on our chrome flip books. Want to get those android apps to my kindergarten and 1st-grade teachers. Answer: Heather Kilgore from Commerce ISD in Commerce, Texas left as awesome iTunes review! We got a Speakpipe message from Italy! [shortcode-variables slug="signature"]