138: Catholic Feminism and the Military ft. Brianna Hughes
When we hear “the troops”, we probably all have things pop into our head. From Colin Kapernick to WMD to Dorothy Day’s pacifism, how Catholics interact with “the troops” can be fraught with confusion. Today’s guest, Brianna Hughes, is a member of our armed forces and it was so interesting to hear why she hates when people refer to “the troops” as one giant monolith. We talk about what it’s like to face sexism in the workplace, who “the troops” support politically, how trust in God plays into her ability to serve in the military, and what’s been bringing her closer to God lately. I especially loved her passion surrounding the topic of whether or not some positions in the military should be men-only, and I think you will too. Enjoy! Today’s episode is brought to you by Every Sacred Sunday. Head to everysacredsunday.com to snag one of their beautiful Mass journals today. Today’s episode is also brought to you by Select International Tours. Going on pilgrimage this year? Travel with Select at selectinternationaltours.com/feminist.