132: Embracing Global Sisterhood ft. Gail DeGeorge
There are only 2️⃣ episodes left in season 3 of the Catholic Feminist Podcast! ???????? Today’s guest, Gail DeGeorge, is the perfect penultimate* show for y’all. Gail is the editor of the Global Sisters Report, a project that features stories about Catholic sisters and the critical issues facing the people they serve. The GSR journalists report about their lives and works, and sisters write commentary from their perspective. Gail is here to talk to us about the importance of supporting our sisters around the world, what sisters’ stories she’s been most inspired by lately, and how to balance a love of serving globally with the importance of serving locally. I loved chatting with her and I pray our conversation resonates with the part of you that’s motivated to get out there + live a life of sacrifice, service, + sisterhood. Today’s episode is brought to you by Every Sacred Sunday. Snag one of their beautiful Mass journals by heading to everysacredsunday.com. Today’s episode is also brought to you by Select International Tours. Going on pilgrimage in 2020? Trust Select to help plan your trip and do all the heavy lifting. Learn more at selectinternationaltours.com/feminist. *Does anyone else only know what “penultimate” means because of the Series of Unfortunate Events? …Bueller? ????