128: Bursting Our Catholic Bubbles ft. Alissa Molina
When do we “shake the dust”, when do we engage, and when do we shut up + listen? Today’s guest, Alissa Molina, has some insight for us. Alissa co-hosts a spiritual podcast with some wonderful Protestant sisters and I had to ask how that challenged her or pushed her out of her comfort zone. I loved her insight on why it’s important to not ONLY engage with Catholics, how she tries to advance the Gospel message, and why mean Christians make us angrier than mean atheists. We also talk about how being a Latina Catholic has impacted her feminism. Enjoy! (Also, when she says “Not today and not tomorrow either”…I died. Can we all start using that? Go away, Satan. You suck.) Today’s episode is brought to you by Every Sacred Sunday. Jump on their email list today at everysacredsunday.com to be the FIRST to know when their 2020 journals are available. Today’s episode is also brought to you by Select International. If one of your 2020 goals is to go on a pilgrimage, the time to sign up is now! Head to selectinternationaltours.com/feminist to learn more.