Go with your gut with Denise Pomaski, The Granilla Bar
Denise Pomaski from the Granilla Bar has been cooking for most of her life! For the past 3 years, she has been working on exciting new Paleo recipes that infuse recipes from her Itailian heritage with the Paleo lifestyle! As well as being what we like to call our at home "Paleo chef", Denise is a CrossFit athlete, as well as, Crossfit Level 1 certified and a certified Crossfit kids Coach.
Denise was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. However, she currently lives in Houston, Texas with her four children, loving husband, Kevin and her two Mastiffs Izzy and Odin.
What is your biggest flop/disappointment?
Not being able to move forward due to lack of finances. The inability to just access money is probably been my biggest struggle.Whole Foods approached me a year ago and they wanted me in their store which was fabulous news. But we couldn't do it because of our packaging. We're still waiting to do it because I need to change my wrappers so that they're heat sealed. This takes a lot of money that I just don't have until I can get a solid investor.
How did you come up with your sales strategy?
I just went with it. My husband helped me and we worked together on trying to just do everything we logically thought we would need to do. At the Slim Palate Cook book signing, I met quite a few people and one of them was April LeMaster. (April works for Diane Sanfilippo's). She sat with me in that book signing and she gave me advice. She said 'you need to be at Paleo FX this year, you need to make sure you have an Instagram account, you need to make sure that you need to have a Facebook account that's not just your personal one, you need to have a Twitter account, you need to go home and set up a website that's able to you to make money even if you have one order a week,'. She kind of set my path that way and from that I kind of start posting things on Instagram.
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