Focus on Your Journey with Lindsay Cotter, Cotter Crunch
Lindsay Cotter is a gluten free guru over at she's a fitness professional and nutrition specialist for gluten free eating. Her goal is to fuel you with easy gluten free recipes nutrition tips and lots of no bake healthy bite recipes. She does her best to share proper health tips and tricks to keep your life in balance!
Tips for someone who is starting out or someone who wants to make the transition towards working with brands and getting sponsorships:
Companies like to approach you, but they want you to approach them as well and say 'hey! this is what I have to offer, this is what I think is going to be great. I mean I have a huge following but my reach is really high, I have an authentic voice and I will do my best and whether that'll be sponsored content or if you want to do it for free that's totally up to you but there's usually a budget and usually there's a way to work together but it's just all making that connection so I just say reach out. Keep reaching out and being kind to each other.
Reach out to those who are willing to help. You can always trade. Like if you have a specialty with something you can just, 'hey, you teach me this, I'll be happy to do this...'
Cheatsheet to figure out your priorities and balance your life here.
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