Fast Friday: The Power of NO
Do you say no enough?
Things that work for us as a family:
I say no a lot. If it doesn’t fit my priorities or serve my family in a positive way, I say no most of the time. For us, that has meant work travel. For this season of our life, our girls are young and we have chose to stay close to home for this time and work our business in a different way. We aren’t at every huge expo with Blissful Eats and that’s okay for us. It’s working.
I set my non-negotiables. Early wake up. Exercise. Shower. Picking out girls clothes. Morning family time. Bed time (with girls). These things are what I HAVE to do every day or week. We spend 30 minutes all together in the morning before I go down and do work.
Work AWAY from the family: It’s SO easy and tempting to do work in the living room. I can hang with everyone and do work…right? NO. It doesn’t work. I need to be away and focused. When I’m focused I can do 5x as much. Stop with the distractions. Turn your phone off. Close all your tabs in your browser.
Stop being a people pleaser: You can wait to answer that text or respond to that email. It’s totally fine. If you need to have a conversation with your friends and family about this time in your life. Tell them you will do the best you can to get back to them when you have time, but you are focusing on advancing your business…or being present with your kids, whatever it is you’re trying to do.
Turn off phone notifications. I KNOW this is hard one, but is it advancing your business or your life by seeing how many likes you’re getting on instagram? Check it at designated times.
Make a to-do list: Every week I do a brain dump on a master list of things I need to get done. These are things that are moving me forward to reach my goals. Then I pick from that list and add 2-3 things on my to-do list daily. To do list gets done at the same time everyyyyyyy single day. And my to do list isn’t miles long because it all needs to get done i
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