Episode 13: What is Biblical Worship?
What does it mean to worship God? Is worship different than praise? Today I will share three things I’m learning about worship and how it extends beyond our prayers and music. To subscribe to the SPF Podcast on iTunes, go here! Help Other Women Find SPF Podcast: Leave an iTunes Review Have you been encouraged by the SPF Podcast? Please leave a review on iTunes so that other women can find it and hear biblical truth too! Follow the link, then open up the podcast in iTunes, click "ratings and reviews" on the top menu above the episodes. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/podcast-she-proves-faithful/id1116242133?mt=2 New City Church Women's Training Day October 1, 2016 - The Gospel and Control Three Things about Worship 1. It's different than praise Praise involves worship with our mouths and speech Psalm 34:1, Hebrews 13:15 It is always befitting to praise the Lord Psalm 33:1 2. Worship involves our whole body: heart, mind, and physical body After being cleansed Isaiah doesn’t just give praise - he presents himself to God and says, send me - use me! I am yours! Isaiah 6:1-8 Present our physical bodies as a living sacrifice to God Romans 12:1 Offer our "members" as instruments of righteousness Romans 6:19 3. Knowing the holiness of God leads to worship Doug Wilson says, “holiness is darkness to make a sinful man tremble.” Psalm 97 Basic Christian Living: A Survey Course on Practical Christianity $18.00 By Douglas Wilson Get the Basic Christian Living Workbook I learned so much about biblical worship from this workbook. This is an incredible resource to developing a biblical worldview, which means to interpret the world through the Bible. Chapters cover subject matters like: Resisting Temptation Contentment Living the Will of God Christ Hidden in Your Calling The Meaning of Masculinity / Femininity Relationships Authenticity Handling Money and lots more ;) * This is an affiliate link