HS 001: Five Things Every New Homeschool Mom MUST Know by Pam Barnhill
I see it time and time again. Desperate pleas for help from new homeschool moms come across the feed of our local homeschool group. "I am pulling my son out of second grade tomorrow, and I don't know where to start." "We are thinking about homeschooling our kids in the fall, and I need to know what curriculum to buy for a fifth grader?" "I've got to get my junior out of school -- she is miserable. How can I make sure she gets her Algebra credits?" You are out there -- moms who have made a decision to homeschool -- and you are not alone. Some of you agonize over it for weeks and months, a few have to make a rush decision because of a bad situation at school. You may be scared and unsure and wondering if you are going to ruin your kids by doing this. Yeah, let me tell you right now, you are not. But I know that is a hard thing to take at face value. So let me give you five things to keep in mind to help you on your journey...