VOUS Staff — VOUS CONFERENCE 2019: You Can't Do It Without A Team
Register now for #VOUSConf 2020 here: http://vousconference.com At VOUS, servant leadership is our identity. The more we understand leading means serving, the more we resemble Jesus. To lead with excellence means to serve first and lean on the talents of others. Steering the VOUS Conference 2019 breakout session “You Can’t Do It Without a Team,” VOUS Staff Dakota Duron, John David Robertson, and Jamila Pereira speak on the servant leadership culture at VOUS. A key element to having a healthy team is a willingness to learn from one another. Taking the approach that no one person has all the answers allows room for creativity and growth. But keep in mind that process and structure anchor a team’s efforts. Once established, clear directives allow evaluation to be put to good use. Measuring results, much like checking vitals, tells of where a team is and signals at where it can go. In our ever-evolving servant leadership journey, we should strive for healthy collaboration. Together we have potential to go much farther and be effective in all we do for God's kingdom.