Reparational Genealogy for the Individual in 2020
Welcome to our newest Patreon patron, Melissa McPherson, who is supporting at the Branch level! I'm not much for New Year's resolutions, but I have a lot on my mind as we close out 2019. Highest on the list is this question: How do we participate fully in Reparational Genealogy? I've had a lot of people ask me that question, but until this moment, I think that my answers have been inadequate. Today I'm making my appeal for a practical means of participating in getting your enslavers' names out there for all researchers to find: blogging. I'm not new in this request, nor with this idea. Plenty of people do this all the time, and it really helps family members to Google a name, find commonalities, and connect. I've never really discussed this on the podcast because I've certainly never done it, and I don't want to be a COMPLETE hypocrite! Until now, my primary means of working with reparational issues has been by researching other people's trees, and my blog has been a place to publish my podcast. But as of 2020, in addition to podcast posts, I will be publishing information about my individual enslaving ancestors from my own tree, one per post, with complete documentation, images with citations (don't break copyright laws, my pumpkins!), keywords, categories, tags, and so forth. This way, I can get all of the data from my own tree and my own enslaving ancestors out onto the internet for all to use. I invite you all to be a part of the solution, and to do the same, in 2020. Please rate and review the podcast on your podcast provider, at, at, or at If you want to be on the podcast from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD using the Zoom platform and a good mic and earphones (how about that Family Cookbook series??), you can contact me at Stop by the website at, IG @ancestorsalivegenealogy and Twitter @ancestorsalive Sponsor the podcast at for super-fantastic rewards, including SWAG for different levels of sponsorship. Subscribe to the YouTube channel at and the newsletter at Check out my Zazzle shop at for the aforementioned swag. Subscribe: RSS | Acast | Apple Podcasts | iHeartRADIO | Listen Notes | Soundcloud | Spotify | Spreaker | Stitcher | YouTube | TuneIn | Deezer