008: Law School 101 for 1Ls - What NOT to Do!

Welcome back! If you’re a 1L, this is the episode for you. We’re going to talk about the top five things law students consistently screw up their first year, so you can avoid doing any of them. In a nutshell, here they are (and we talk about each one in detail in this episode): 1.     Bad time and life management 2.     Misunderstanding what’s expected on the final exam 3.     Lack of practice 4.     Lack of feedback (or not learning from feedback) 5.     Simply not doing the work, or not fully committing to the experience Are you falling behind in law school, or just checking the boxes and missing the point? Find out what you need to be doing to succeed as a 1L - and what NOT to do! Resources: The Circles method for time management (http://thegirlsguidetolawschool.com/08/tips-time-management-awesomeness-with-the-circles/) How to Calendar Your Way to Better Grades and More Free Time (http://lawschooltoolbox.com/how-to-calendar-your-way-to-better-grades-and-more-free-time/) If you enjoyed this episode, please let us know! We'd love a nice review and/or rating on iTunes. And feel free to reach out to us directly! You can always reach us via the contact form on the Law School Toolbox website (http://lawschooltoolbox.com/contact/). Thanks for listening! Alison a Lee        

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