Bonus: Support + Share These Eco Crowdfunding Campaigns!

Hey, it's Callee, and you're listening to a special episode of the Hippie Haven Podcast! If this is your first time listening, I release a new regular episode every Wednesday, where I interview sustainability leaders + experts on how we can live our best ethical + eco-friendly life. If you want to learn more about zero waste basics, I recommend listening to episode 16 with Polly Barks of Green Indy Blog, where she shares her 12 steps to a waste free life in 12 months, and episode 21 with Alyssa of the Live Planted Podcast about secondhand shopping. We've also covered numerous other topics, like starting an eco business, urban beekeeping, composting, vegan parenting + more, so definitely check out those old episodes too if you haven't already! For today's bonus episode, I've got 13 crowdfunding campaigns from different countries that are ending soon and could really benefit from your support, whether it's financial if you have a few dollars or more to spare, or sharing them on your social networks to help boost their visibility. While there might not be an eco business or charity crowdfunding near you yet, I recommend picking the closest one to you, or to a friend or family member of yours. The links to each crowdfunding campaign will be in the shownotes for this episode, so you can just open up your podcast app where you're listening to this right now and click on the one that interests you for more info. First, there's Scoop Marketplace in Seattle, Washington of the United States. They're almost halfway to their goal of $10,000 by Feb 28th to open a new zero waste grocery store. Their website is You might have seen me talking about ecobricks on my Instagram a few weeks ago, if you don't know what they are, it's when you completely stuff a hard plastic bottle with soft plastic film + wrappers to create what's essentially a brick made entirely of plastic. These have become popular building materials in parts of Africa + Asia, where there's often an abundance of discarded plastic, without proper recycling facilities. Ecobricks are catching on in the UK, but are hardly known of here in the States. I will be doing an episode all about ecobricks in a few months, so stay tuned for that! Now, Upcycle Santa Fe, in New Mexico, USA, is raising money to complete testing of open-source building materials made from post-consumer plastic waste, aka ecobricks. This testing is composed of two parts: 1) researching and documenting the exact R-values (insulation ratings) of Ecobricks, and 2) the rate and speed at which these materials will burn in a structural fire (flame-spread). The tests will be carried out by Intertek in Pennsylvania, providing the groundwork for meeting building codes in NM and eventually elsewhere, and will ultimately allow Upcycle Santa Fe to build the first full-scale, legally-compliant plastic insulated structures in the United States. They've already had a study completed by the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which documented that plastic waste used as insulation material does not have any significant off-gassing of chemicals in comparison with modern insulation available in stores. Upcycle Santa Fe still needs over $4,000 to get this ecobrick testing done, and you can learn more at Refill Revolution is already pretty well-known in the zero waste community, it's a female-owned refill store in Denver, Colorado, and they're looking to raise $50,000 in the next 26 days to expand their product line into unpackaged groceries. Their website is The Pantry Concept will be the first zero waste grocery store in Kansas City, and they need $35,000 in the next 56 days to open. I don't see a website for them yet, but you can find them on Facebook as The Pantry Concept. In Portland, Oregon, the non-profit CityWildPDX is seeking $30,000 to purchase + renovate an old Airstream camper using recycled + eco-friendly materials into a mobile classroom to bring environmental education opportunities to Portland area kids and families. They're only a third of the way to their goal that expires on Feb 28th. Their website is In the state of Georgia, there's a non-profit called Gangstas to Growers, which is an agriculture business training program that offers paid internships to formerly incarcerated Black youth on the West Side of Atlanta. They need about $3,000 more dollars to reach their goal of $15k to support their program, to secure a van for transportation, fees for educators and class materials, zero-waste kits and trainee uniforms. Now across the ocean, we have Zero Waste Market, they need just over 2,000 more pounds by Feb 26th to open a zero waste supermarket in Glasgow (gloss-go), England. Their website is Plastic Freedom is an online zero waste shop based in Southport, England, and they need 8,000 more pounds by Feb 24th to expand their warehouse and hire more staff. Their website is Lemon + Jinja is a zero waste store opening next month in Romsey, England, and they need about 3,000 more pounds by March 5th for their store's security deposit, shelves, scales + a nut butter machine. Their website is www.lemonandjinja.com Near Hastings, England, George, a former Special Education teacher, and his family are striving to open a zero waste store + community hub called Bare Supplies, and they need 25,000 pounds by March 15th to make that happen. Their website is www.baresupplies.com Kathy, owner of Naked Pantry, the first zero waste refill shop in New Milton, England, received a lot of feedback from her customers about wanting to drink plant-based milks, but they all come in TetraPaks, which their local town doesn't recycle. Kathy just needs a little over 200 more pounds by February 26th to purchase machines to make nut milk alternatives in-store so that her customers can fill up their own containers and avoid landfill waste. Green Grow Co-operative is a Scotland-based company that grows mushrooms in refurbished shipping containers, and are currently crowdfunding 60,000 pounds by March 21st to launch their gourmet mushroom vegan meal box, which aims to empower local farmers, reduce food waste and minimize the distance from farm to table. Each box will contain your choice of 6 ready-to-cook vegan meals, in certified home-compostable packaging. Each box also helps plant native trees in the Scottish Highlands. Their website is www.greengrowfood.shop This last crowdfunding campaign I found is written in German, and unfortunately the four years of German classes I took way back in high school are no longer fresh in my brain, but from what I could translate, and with a little help from Google, there's a couple in Marburg, Germany looking to open the area's first unpackaged store in the spring of this year. They need about 27,000 more euros, so if you know German and want to support their campaign, the link will be in the shownotes. The Hippie Haven Podcast is hosted by Callee - a zero waste activist a business owner. Formerly a translator for the US Navy, Callee was honorably discharged as a conscientious objector in 2017 following an episode of severe depression a alcoholism fueled by not living in alignment with her core values. That same year, at age 23, she started Bestowed Essentials, a handmade line of eco-friendly beauty a home products that are now stocked in over 100 stores around the US a Canada. Callee began hosting this free podcast in August 2018, as well as speaking at events and teaching educational workshops across the country, as part of her life mission to arm you with the knowledge a tools you need to spark positive change in your community. In December 2019, she opened The Hippie Haven in Rapid City, South Dakota - a zero waste retail store a community space with a little free library - the first of its kind in the state. She’ll be opening a second Hippie Haven in Salem, Oregon in Feb 2021. Follow along on Instagram - @ahippieinavan a @hippiehavenshop a @bestowedessentials Shop zero waste home goods at Read podcast transcripts at

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