↓Episode 7 – Tire Covers / Fender Covers
https://radioarizonarv.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Fender_Cover.jpg ()Fender Covers are a simple way to cover your RV tires and protect them from the sun. Fender Covers are easier to put on than traditional vinyl tire covers and they look great. Either type of Tire Cover will protect the tires and reduce the potential for failure. Just make sure you cover them. Vinyl Tire Covers serve a purpose and that is to keep the sun off the tires to reduce damage and to extend their life. We sell Vinyl Tire Covers in White and Black. some RV’ers tend to think the black will make the tires hotter and ruin them. That is not the case, black tires get a little hotter but, not enough to cause damage. The difference between black and white is very minimal in terms of heat build up. Black will look nicer for a longer period of time. The best solution are Fender Covers that attach to the side of the RV. They are easier to put on and remove. They stay much cleaner than traditional tire covers and definitely look nicer. We make ours with our Suntex 90% sunshade material that blocks out 90% of the suns UV rays and light. Listen to The Rest of The Story Now http://sunpromfg.net/tire-fender-covers/ (Check Out Our Fender Covers @ SunPro Mfg) The post https://radioarizonarv.com/%e2%86%93episode-7-tire-covers-fender-covers/ (↓Episode 7 – Tire Covers / Fender Covers) appeared first on https://radioarizonarv.com (Radio Arizona RV). Support this podcast