Robin H from Florida, build your own hydro systems and plant training advice
We are so incredibly grateful for all of our members, and our newest members that just joined! We reached our goal, and extended registration through this holiday of 7/10...and added to the new member prizes! Check us out in Instagram for full details or just sign up at MyGrowPass! Robin joins me today to chat about growing cannabis with his custom-built hydroponic system. We get really deep on plant training, and we don't even talk (a lot) about Atlas Plant Trainer. We talk a lot about his projects with his company Clutch Cannabis where he helps new growers get set up, builds their custom hydroponic systems, and sees them through to success. We wrap things up with an interesting discussion about his philosophy of leaving his plants alone and letting them grow without constant supervision. I think you will really enjoy this episode, and it's always good to hear different perspectives from people that dont' do things the same way as you! You can find Robin on Instagram @clutchcannabis7 Ready to be featured on The Homegrown Helpers? Apply today at and I'll talk to you soon! This amazing episode is brought to you by 2 of our partners: Use code GROWCAST for 10% off at on all their premium CBD products from tincture to topicals to salves, they have it all! Owned and led by two marvelous women from New England, you can count on Rooted Lyfe's triple lab party tested, all organic ingredients CBD products. for all your CBD needs! Also brought to you by our newest partners DYNOMYCO! Premium mycorrhizal fungus for your plants that they will love! No more transplant shock, healthiest roots, biggest fruits. Use code GROWCAST to save 10% on all sizes while members can save 25% on the 2 larger sizes!