Rhizo Rich, Illinois Cannabis Consulting
For full show notes go to http://thehomegrownhelpers.com/rhizo-rich-illinois-cannabis-consulting/ Rhizo Rich from Illinois Cannabis Consulting joins me to bring you more grow advice to improve your game in the grow room. We kick off the show covering Rich’s background and how he got into growing cannabis, which is really cool because this is our first 3rd generation cannabis cultivator on the show. We also discuss the impending legalization of cannabis in Illinois and how that impacts Rich’s business. Rich starts to run through his room setup, which sounds impressive because she's really maxed out his lighting setup with a couple of ceramic metal halide fixtures as well as a few HPS fixtures on light rails so that the light penetration is as wide and deep as possible. Rich makes his own soil, and... What should growers pay attention to for healthy plants? Shortly after 17 minutes, we get into Rich’s thoughts on this question, and he starts off with environment as the #1 answer. Shortly after 19 minutes, we discuss how to get the most out of Illinois’ plant count limit of 5 flowering per person. Rich’s solution is to train plants, and we go into greater detail on a few different methods that Rich uses in his garden. When discussing IPM around 25:30, Rich talks a lot about being present in your garden and specifically paying attention to the underside of the leaves. Rich calls it “scouting”, where he’s regularly spending time in his garden, looking at the plants, taking a minute with a microscope or jeweler’s loupe and... Just before 29 minutes, we start to discuss the character traits that make the most successful grower. Rich’s last words of wisdom he wanted to share: be humble, try new things and monitor results. It’ll make for a more interesting hobby and If you liked what you heard today, check out http://thehomegrownhelpers.com/bonus and grab about another 15 minutes from Rich and all of our other guests. We get a little more personal with a little more grow advice all available within the bonus content. Our MyGrowPass.com partners for this show make this possible, and many thanks go to Sohum Living Soils and Harvest Mutual Seed Bank. Sohum Living Soils is the premier, water only, fully amended living soil on the market today. Sohum Living Soils contains everything that your plant needs to get from clone through harvest, in one bag, all you have to do is add water. The best part about this product is that you don’t even need to ph balance your water, just bottom feed, and the soil will take care of the rest. Grab yours today at sohumsoils.com and use code GROWCAST10 to save 10% on your entire order, or use your mygrowpass.com membership to save 20% on all your bags of soil. Harvest Mutual Seed Bank carries some of the best seeds in the world, such as Gage Green Group, Dungeon’s Vault Genetics, Mephisto and so many more. Use code GROWCAST to get free shipping or save 10% as well as the free shipping as a member at mygrowpass.com. You can find and connect with Rich @rhizo_rich_icc and @illinoiscannabisconsulting on Instagram where you can check out his multiple strains and how beautiful they are. He’ll be ready to help you get your grow up and running starting in 2020. If you need a consultant before then or are not in Illinois, please reach out to me rob@thehomegrownhelpers.com and I’ll help you find the consultant that best suits your needs.