Victor Sheppard, Blue Ridge Consulting
Victor Sheppard joins me on the line from his home in New York State where he’s helping medical patients and veterans with genetics and some grow advice. He’s very passionate about the plant and his mission of helping those most in need and loves to focus on good quality genetics when starting off a grow. Victor starts off by getting into great detail talking about his current grow setup around the 9:30 mark, and shares exactly how his 2’x’4’ grow tent grows from seed through flower! Just after 12 minutes, we dig into his tips for keeping your plants as healthy as possible. His advice is to pay attention to the details. Keep your environment as simple as possible, but learn to pay attention to the nuances of your plants. At 15:30 we discuss how to increase yield off limited plant counts. Low-stress training is his go-to solution and suggests topping might not always be necessary. Right around 18 minutes we discuss IPM in an indoor garden. How does Victor keep his garden clean and healthy, beneficial nematodes and predatory mites. Strong work ethic and a willingness to learn are the 2 character traits that Victor suggests you cultivate within yourself in order to become a great cannabis gardener. Just before 24 minutes, Victor shares his last bits of advice and that is to keep trying new things, plant more seeds and share your knowledge. If you liked how Victor talked about growing cannabis and think you’d like to learn more from him, reach out to @blueridgeconsulting, @blueridgebandit420 and @blueridgebotanicals or hit us up here at for an introduction to Victor. If you’re ready to hire someone, even if it’s not Victor, we can find the right consultant for you, your location and the size/type of job you have to do. Today’s partners are Danny Danko and Atlas Plant Trainer and Humble Garden. Danny has a new book “Cannabis: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Marijuana” that he gives away one copy to our quarterly $5k giveaway winner, as well as signs all of our bloom members' books for free. If you do grab a book, make sure you leave a review for Danny. It would make his day. Atlas Plant Trainer is your go-to solution for bigger yields. Maximize your plant yields by easily growing bigger plants with our customizable plant training and support solution! Grab yours for the low price of only $80 per set, and use code GROWCAST to save an additional 10% off today at Also, members get a whopping 25% off their sets when accessing the code through their member portal at Humble Garden is the only smartphone filter to remove that ugly, annoying yellow light that HPS lights create in your grow room. We all know they don’t make for flattering photographs of the buds you’ve worked so hard to grow. Show off your plants with the Humble Garden HPS lens. Grab yours today at and use code GROWCAST to save 15% or 25% after you become a member at GrowPass. For full show notes please go to h