Michael Travers, Start2Finish710 Consulting
Michael joins us from Northern Colorado where he’s been in the cannabis industry for about 5 years. With lots of research into the scientific side and the analytical aspect of how the cannabis plant grows and the right environment, Michael felt he was ready to take the leap into helping others learn how to grow their own medicine right at home. We cover some great grow tips for homegrowers. How to get the most out of your grow space, when to take clones, using a shop vac, and why it's important to get in your grow room frequently. If you want the rest of the show notes, you can find them at http://thehomegrownhelpers.com/michael-travers-start2finish710-consulting/. If you're in the market for your own Homegrown Helper, whether it's for room design, cleanup, or just some troubleshooting you can email rob@thehomegrownhelpers.com and we'll find the right consultant for you. This episode brought to you by our amazing membership partners. Learn more at http://homegrownhelpers.com/members and join up starting June 15th!