???? How to use credit cards | Finance 101
If you are not using a credit card you are leaving money on the table. Subscribe to my newsletter: https://fourminutefinance.substack.com/ (https://fourminutefinance.substack.com/) This is by far the most general and well rounded travel cards. One of the most popular because of the perks you receive while not having to pay an annual fee. Earn 60,000 bonus points with Chase Sapphire Preferred. Learn more. https://slack-redir.net/link?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.referyourchasecard.com%2Fm%2F6a%2F6L5%2FFYKP%2F1550342270 (https://www.referyourchasecard.com/m/6a/6L5/FYKP/1550342270) Marilyn and I recently got the Delta Platinum Chase Amex. It has really strong perks if you like to fly Delta: http://refer.amex.us/JOHNTUakc?XL=MIACP (http://refer.amex.us/JOHNTUakc?XL=MIACP)