???? Dollar Cost Averaging | How to invest in a down market | Finance 101
The Dollar Cost Averaging Strategy is pretty simple and it helps combat any fear that naturally comes with investing in a down or volatile market. It's goal is to take advantage of down swings in the market and relieve the pressure of feeling like you need to time the market perfectly. Investing large lump sums of cash into a stock, especially when you are first starting, is like taking a class in school where your entire grade is dependent on one test. If you are right, you can reap a lot of upside and make a lot of money, but if you are wrong just a little bit it, it can go bad real quick. https://www.fourminutefinance.com/episodes/-dollar-cost-averaging-how-to-invest-in-a-down-market (Page on my website that has more resources on Dollar Cost Averaging) https://www.fourminutefinance.com/episodes/-getting-paid-by-the-government-during-covid-19 (Page on my website with resources on the CARES ACT) https://www.fourminutefinance.com/episodes/-getting-paid-by-the-government-during-covid-19 (Ask a Finance question) If you use my online broker of choice, Robinhood (not sponsored), and click this link: http://join.robinhood.com/johnt29 (http://join.robinhood.com/johnt29) we both get free stock in a random company they give us. Sounds like a win-win to me.