12: More Than a Test Score

Students are more than a test score. They have talents within that we as teachers need to cultivate so that students can develop as a whole individual and not just as a student. Hear how I used students’ talents to benefit themselves and the classroom learning process at the same time! Quotables My good intentions were boxing in my students to a mold they weren’t designed to be in. My strength was also my weakness. I have empowered my students to take more ownership in my class by tolerating a variety of personality traits knowing these talents are beneficial to my students and their growth. We need to serve the WHOLE child and not hone in on one area that we miss opportunities for the other areas to grow. Join elite educators everywhere in snagging tips, tricks and freebies right to your inbox every month! Become #empowered with the Always A Lesson newsletter: https://alwaysalesson.leadpages.co/newslettersignup/ (https://alwaysalesson.leadpages.co/newslettersignup/) Connect with Gretchen Blog: https://alwaysalesson.com/ (Always A Lesson) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlwaysALesson (Always A Lesson) Twitter: https://twitter.com/GSchultek (@gschultek) Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gretchenschultekbridgers (Gretchen Schultek Bridgers) Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+GretchenSchultek (Gretchen Schultek Bridgers) Book: http://www.amazon.com/Elementary-Educ-101-Didnt-College/dp/1478711868/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8aqid=1412203865asr=8-1akeywords=education+101+what+they+didn%27t+teach+you+in+college (Elementary EDUC 101: What They Didn’t Teach You in College) Leave a Rating and Review https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-lessons-empowering/id1006433135?mt=2 (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-lessons-empowering/id1006433135?mt=2)als=1 Why? This helps my show remain active in order to continue to help other educators remain empowered in a career that has a long lasting effect on our future. How? Search for my show in iTunes or Stitcher. Click on ‘Ratings and Reviews.’ Under ‘Customer Reviews,’ click on “Write a Review.” Sign in with your iTunes or Stitcher log-in info Leave a Rating: Tap the greyed out stars (5 being the best) Leave a Review: Type in a Title and Description of your thoughts on my podcast Click ‘Send’

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