Defining Your Dream Life, Delegation, and Working From the Beach | Jennifer Connor from AppleTree Kids
Today, Kris and special guest, Jennifer Connor from AppleTree Kids, uncover the secret sauce on how to manage your preschools from the beach, or wherever your dream life may take you. They give the inside scoop how to delegate appropriately, grow from within, empower your teams and have backup systems in place so that you can have the freedom to grow your business and just work on the things that you love. Jennifer is a master of delegation, a model of business success, and now proudly has two locations with a waiting list and a very committed and dedicated staff. Find out how she decided to define her dream life, make the move to Mexico, and how it has positively impacted her work and personal life. As a coach and leader, she strives to keep learning and sharpening her own saw, which leads to a great impact on her staff and leadership team, and ripples out to many children and their lives. Key Takeaways: [3:16] The inspiring and extraordinary Jennifer Connor is today’s guest. She is the owner of Appletree Kids, which has two locations in Louisiana. In 2012, she took a leap and flew to Denver to attend her first ever Child Care Summit event. There, Kris helped her triple her enrollment and expand to her second location and eventually hired her to be a coach. [4:28 Jennifer was doing outside sales when approached with the offer to purchase the childcare center her children went to. She was hesitant at first but prayed with her husband about it and the signs were clear that it was the right decision where they should start to make a difference. This location was a challenge for many reasons, and set Jennifer on the path for her mission and knew she had to work hard and make a difference. [11:46] Jennifer and her husband found love at a point in their life when they knew that they wanted and what was important to them. [14:29] Jennifer shares how she decided to take a chance and attend the Child Care Summit in 2012, leading her to the Bootcamp as well. She felt encouraged and empowered to demonstrate her original connection to marketing and sales, and also rediscovered her “why” and main purpose. [17:58] In a mystery call, Kris and her team found that Jennifer was the poster child for following the phone script that Kris gave her, yet another reason she gets results from implementing the system already set out in place. [19:17] She decided to play a bigger game and expand to two locations after joining the Summit and finding herself surrounded by others that are also in major growth mode. There was a center down the road going out of business, and she took advantage of the situation to make that location her next venture. [25:50] Jennifer’s ripple effect got larger when she joined the coaching program, and now impacts many children through her leadership team and staff. [28:09] They started vacationing in Mexico and liked the way the general lifestyle naturally changed both herself and her family. She finds more of a traditional value culture than an entitlement culture. [36:03] Learning how to delegate properly herself and to find ways to empower her team has been an invaluable skill Jennifer has learned. [48:02] Jennifer’s blog is Barefoot Bikini Beach Life, follow her adventures here! Mentioned in This Episode: Kris Murray Child Care Marketing Solutions Child Care Success Academy Appletree Kids Built to Sell 80/20 Sales and Marketing Barefoot Bikini Beach Life