Holiday Recommendations Part II
Welcome to Episode 9, our second episode all about holiday gift giving recommendations! I brought Jenn Northington back to be my guest host for this one because she’s a book recommendation MACHINE, I tell you. Jenn is our Events Director here at Book Riot, cohost of the Bookrageous podcast, part-time bookseller at Word, and member of five book groups. Find her on Twitter @jennIRL. This episode is sponsored by the Book Riot Quarterly Box and YA Quarterly Box. For listener feedback and questions, as well as a complete list of books discussed in this episode, visit our website. Books Discussed on the Show! Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee (for discussion) Old Man’s War by John Scalzi Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho China Mieville, Embassytown Ann Leckie’s Ancillary Justice Signs Preceding the End of the World by Yuri Herrera The Body Where I Was Born by Guadalupe Nettel Terra Nostra, Carlos Fuentes Clandestine in Chile, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a report, written by Gabriel García Márquez Saga Vol 1. by Brian K Vaughan and Fiona Staples Shadowshapers by DJ Older Twelfth Night by Shakespeare Christine Hepperman’s Poisoned Apples: Poetry for You Inside Out and Back Again, Thanhha Lai anything Ellen Hopkins 2 AM at the Cat’s Pajamas by Marie-Helene Bertino Landline by Rainbow Rowell Where’d You Go Bernadette, Maria Semple Hogfather by Terry Pratchett The Dark is Rising, Susan Cooper Let the Right One In John Ajvide Lindqvist NOS4A2 by Joe Hill Broken Monsters, Lauren Beukes Chimera, David Wellington Learn more about your ad choices. Visit