JH50: Recognizing God's Calling with Jamie Erickson
After spending years teaching in a traditional classroom, Jamie Erickson returned home to not only teach her own live-in circus of five but also to encourage and equip a growing tribe of homeschooling moms on her blog, The Unlikely Homeschool. Her first book, Homeschool Bravely, releases with Moody Publishers this year. Jamie shares with us how she overcame mommy guilt and embraced the birth order of her kids as God ordained. We also chatted about how little we truly knew before we began homeschooling. One big thing Jamie advocates for in this episode is self-care for the homeschool mom, and how too often times we allow ourselves to get too busy because we consider it a badge of honor. Maintaining our sanity as we homeschool is so important. I also love the reminder Jamie gives us to embrace the differences each of our kids and the difference in education they get from their mom through the years. We can pick and choose what we can do with our kids, and remember that education is not a lather, rinse and repeat. What a great reminder when we are homeschooling multiple kids! Be sure to check out Jamie’s new book through the link in the show notes and thank her for her wisdom by heading over to her blog and social media. If you liked this episode be sure to leave a rating or review. These serve as a notice to iTunes that I'm not speaking to myself. It will also give you a chance to have your review read online and win a gift from me :) Not sure how to leave a review? Here are instructions for iTunes and Stitcher users. Resources mentioned in this episode: Podcast Sponsor Sonlight Jamie's Blog Jamie's Facebook Jamie's Instagram Jamie's new book: Homeschool Bravely: How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child with Confidence Follow Misty on Instagram Follow this blog and podcast on Facebook Subscribe for weekly encouragement emails AND a coupon to my store Joy in the Journey store