JH48: Conquering Your Homeschool Fears
On this season of the podcast, we have many amazing guests on the line up including, Julie Bogart, Sherri Siegelson, Sarita from Sonlight, Connie Albers, and topics on what to do if your kids want to go to school, what homeschooling has taught me, and much more. On this episode of the Joyfully Homeschooling podcast, we are tackling homeschool fears. Over and over again I hear from moms about their fears. They want to homeschool well, but fear stops them. They want to love homeschooling, but as soon as they are happy in their methods they think they are missing something. They want to step out and trust the Lord on the BIG things He is calling them to, but fear stops them in their tracks. But, what if instead of allowing fear to grip us, we remind ourselves of what the bible says? For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. ~2 Timothy 1:7 Because you see, FEAR does not own us. And, this episode is ALL about conquering those homeschool mom fears. If you liked this episode be sure to leave a rating or review. These serve as a notice to iTunes that I'm not speaking to myself. It will also give you a chance to have your review read online and win a gift from me :) Not sure how to leave a review? Here are instructions for iTunes and Stitcher users. Resources mentioned in this episode: Podcast Sponsor Sonlight Dear Mom Who Doesn't Want to Homeschool Fear You Don't Own Me T-Shirt Fear Presentation from the Southeast Homeschool Expo What About Gaps in Homeschooling What if I Fail at Homeschooling? Follow on Instagram Follow on Facebook Subscribe for weekly encouragement emails AND a coupon to my store Joy in the Journey store