Best animals for a new homesteader

Folks who are interested in homesteading often ask me what animal(s) they should start with on their homestead. Should they get chickens? Ducks? Goats? Quail? Rabbits? A milk cow? What are the best animals for a new homesteader? Help me, Amy! I don't know what to choose! (Don't want to read all the words? This blog post is also a podcast—just press the triangle play button on the little black bar at the top of this post!) Things to consider when choosing the best animals for a new homesteader: Your particular homestead: space/acreage: Are you urban or rural? Do you have a quarter acre? 40 acres? 400? neighbors: Are they close? Will they report your noisy rooster or goat, or are they the kind to take care of the homestead if you go on vacation? buildings/fencing available: We moved to an established, working farm where many things were already in place. Our home before the farm required building chickens coops and runs. Do you have fencing already available? Or will you need to fence a pasture? predators: Is the biggest threat going to be the neighbor's half deaf dog? Or will you be on the look out for fox, coyote,and eagles? And if so, do you have the skill, materials, and knowledge to keep your animals safe? Your time/money/resources available: your job/commitments: Many homesteaders work a "regular 9-5 job", but it's important to realize your homestead option may be different (or more complicated) than someone who is home more often. How much time do you spend running kids to events? How often are you gone on the weekend? help available: Are you single? Are you married with 8 kids? How much man, woman, and child power do you have at your disposal to assist with animal "stuff"? money available: Do you have the money to invest in an animal and what they need? Keep in mind, a large animal has bigger potential problems than a smaller animal—and bigger problems often require deeper pockets. What the purpose is for getting an animal? Eggs/Meat/Fiber: Thinking of selling chicken eggs? Do you want to raise and butcher your own hog? Trying to figure out how to choose the best meat chicken for your homestead? Do you understand the process that comes with keeping an animal that provides for you in an eggs/meat/fiber way? Other reasons you may consider an animal for your homestead are companionship, protection, or entertainment. There is nothing better than Chicken Television. Just sayin'. However, one reason you should not get animals on your homestead is because you feel like homesteaders are "supposed to have animals". Getting animals for this reason will cause you headaches that are completely unnecessary. We started here with chickens and quickly added goats, pigs, and horses. Within a few years, we realized that goats and horses weren't our thing, and we started trying things like pheasants and turkeys. Currently, we raise chickens (layers and meat birds), ducks, turkeys, and pigs. Might we add something in the next couple years? Absolutely. The advice we all give but don't follow? Here's the truth... When experienced homesteaders are asked about the best animals for a new homesteader, most will be cautioned to not fill up too fast. In other words, don't try all the animals you've ever wanted to have all at one time. We've all said it, myself included. And it's decent advice. It's super easy to get overwhelmed. Since animals are exciting and chicken math is a thing, almost every single homesteader I know has filled their farm up too fast. But. While it's good, sound advice to go slow, the only way to figure out which animals work on your homestead is by having those animals on your homestead. There are some things you're just not going to know about certain animals (or your homestead's ability to support them, or if you will enjoy them as much as you thought you would) until you actually bring those animals to your homestead. But what are the best animals for a new homesteader?

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