Episode 017 | MMM It Starts with Gratitude
Whether in times of plenty or those which are challenging, gratitude will always serve us. Gratitude does not mean complacency but rather the simple thought, acknowledgement and thankfulness for what we have today in our lives whether that be the people around us, places we've been or even the things we have. It so easy to get caught up in the day to day hustle yet it is even easier to take a few minutes to remind ourselves and be thankful, be grateful for where we are and what we have. Take a listen to this week's Monday Morning Motivation for how we can implement Gratitude into our lives a little bit more and transform our day, week and life. For more Monday Morning Motivation videos check them out here: www.coltonwoodshorsemanship.com/video-library Latest Vlog here- Subscribe! https://youtu.be/09wvddTnGAc Hey Folks and welcome to the Heart of Horsemanship Podcast where we will answer ALL of these questions and many more! Every week, your host Colton Woods brings you horsemanship hacks, business tips, equestrian motivation, personal and inspirational stories and even guests on the show that will help YOU take your horsemanship, relationships, careers and self to the entire NEXT LEVEL! Colton takes it the extra mile as he shares with you the practical and achievable steps he has taken to go from a childhood nonexistent with horses to traveling the world and teaching clinics, building the highly sought after horse and human development program at Colton Woods Horsemanship and not only making a living in the horse industry but loving the time he and his horses spend together. Horsemanship is not just a way to train a horse but it is everything we do with our horses and in our lives. That is right, this podcast is dedicated to helping fellow horse people learn more about their horses and themselves. Here on the Heart of Horsemanship Podcast we keep it fun, we keep it informative, we keep it real and we keep it positive. Thanks for tuning into the Heart of Horsemanship Podcast, now lets dive in. Submit your requests to:office.coltonwoodshorsemanship@gmail.com Free Online Video Library by Colton Woods Horsemanship:www.coltonwoodshorsemanship.com/video-library Facebook: www.facebook.com/coltonwoodshorsemanship Instagram: www.instagram.com/coltonwoodshorsemanship Twitter: @cwhorsemanship AC: Joseph McDade