Episode 005 | You vs You

When it comes to making change for a stronger connection and relationship with our horses as well as to make our dreams become a reality in all facets of life, they all start with the same thing: us. We must accept responsibility for all of our actions, not let our past dictate our future and understand that our thoughts clearly lay out what our future holds.  Yes, it sounds cliche. Fact of the matter is there is scientific evidence that lays out how our thoughts trigger our body to chemically change to adapt to where we are in life. The amazing part is, while the body responds to the mind and often times our mind's live in the past, we can change our thought process to project our dreams, visions and what we want our future. In return our bodies will respond and begin living in the 'future'. So by the time life happens and you've achieved those dreams, goals and made that vision a reality, you body is already prepared to continue the success once you arrive.  Now, lets jump into this episode and really open up how this works, why it is important and get this next year, this next decade started off with long term results and lifestyle changes in mind.  About the Heart of Horsemanship Podcast: How can I have a stronger connection and relationship with my horse? How can I turn my passion for horses into a career? How can I build my confidence and overcome fears with my horse? How can I develop a well-rounded horse program that serves the horses and clients? Do I need to go to college for a career in the horse industry? How can I grow myself to help serve my horse better? Hey Folks and welcome to the Heart of Horsemanship Podcast where we will answer ALL of these questions and many more! Every week, your host Colton Woods brings you horsemanship hacks, business tips, equestrian motivation, personal and inspirational stories and even guests on the show that will help YOU take your horsemanship, relationships, careers and self to the entire NEXT LEVEL! Colton takes it the extra mile as he shares with you the practical and achievable steps he has taken to go from a childhood nonexistent with horses to traveling the world and teaching clinics, building the highly sought after horse and human development program at Colton Woods Horsemanship and not only making a living in the horse industry but loving the time he and his horses spend together. Horsemanship is not just a way to train a horse but it is everything we do with our horses and in our lives. That is right, this podcast is dedicated to helping fellow horse people learn more about their horses and themselves. Here on the Heart of Horsemanship Podcast we keep it fun, we keep it informative, we keep it real and we keep it positive. Thanks for tuning into the Heart of Horsemanship Podcast, now lets dive in. Submit your requests to:office.coltonwoodshorsemanship@gmail.com Free Online Video Library by Colton Woods Horsemanship:www.coltonwoodshorsemanship.com/video-library Facebook: www.facebook.com/coltonwoodshorsemanship Instagram: www.instagram.com/coltonwoodshorsemanship Twitter: @cwhorsemanship AC: Joseph McDade PC: Didi Lund GC: Maredith Davis Design

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