767 - Audio Innocence
Thanks to Ross for his time today, and much love to a lot of you guys who caught the stream LIVE! Have a fantastic weekend and we’ll see you next week! - d
- Review of Amnesty cruise experience focusing on entertainment and guest interactions.
- Summary of Dan Dennis's campaign promises including term limits, increased fun, and reduced cabana costs.
- Tom Van's critique of Dan's campaign strategies.
- Key themes from "Time for a Bath" song.
- Overview of BDM Appreciation Week's party highlights.
- Highlights and guest lineup for ACT's 10-year anniversary show.
- Key surprises and Cadillac Pat's role in the upcoming 2024 Tom and Dan Cruise.
- Cadillac Pat buys an old payphone, sparking nostalgia for vintage tech like LeBaron convertibles.
- Dan's family moments: bagel gift from wife, Ross's show with David Jolly, and potential past confrontations.
- Preparation and insights into hosting at Orlando Funny Bone, including interactions backstage.
- Concerns over children's exposure to inappropriate content through Tenacious D's music.
- Discussion on Tori Spelling's unique bathroom habits and media reactions.
- Anecdotes from McAfee's eccentric online behavior to unusual findings in Costa Rica.
- Insights into internet detective work, challenges of online searches, and the introduction of new AI tools.
- Exploration of online business interactions, handling of negative reviews, and customer service strategies.
- Local Orlando tales: peacock issues in Wadeview neighborhood and Commissioner Sheehan's involvement.
- Upcoming community events and BDM Appreciation Week details with a humorous note on BDM exclusivity.
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**A Corporate Time with Tom and Dan:**
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