Bye Bye Les Moonves and An Apology From The Creator of Autocorrect
Les Moonves is out as the Chief Executive at CBS amid accusations that sexual harassed and assaulted numerous women over his career, but he won’t be going far. Moonves is still set to remain as an unpaid adviser to CBS as part of his termination agreement. My producer Miranda joins us to talk about what his possible payout would be… reportedly set to be over $100 million pending the results of an investigation, and more details from the latest Ronan Farrow story which details the accounts of six new women. Next, we speak to a guy that most people love and hate. He is the inventor of the touchscreen keyboard autocorrect for the original iPhone. We will speak to Ken Kocienda who was a software engineer and designer for more than 15 years and he has a new book out about working during the Golden Age of Steve Jobs. I’ll even ask why auto correct always writes out DUCK when you’re trying to type F***. Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.