Media Mystery and What Will Be Done with Facebook and Twitter
The mystery is still alive as questions continue to swirl about who the anonymous senior administration official is. The main question seems to be how senior is this anonymous person and how much influence do they have over the president? Ginger Gibson, political reporter for Reuters joins us more on this, the return of President Obama, and a wrap up of the Brett Kavanagh confirmation hearings. Next, the Justice Department has announced that it will be investigating social media companies’ alleged political bias amid claims from the President and others that they are stifling conservative voices. Companies like Facebook and Twitter are giants in the social media game and do have a big stronghold in this form of communication. Kevin Collier, cyber security correspondent for Buzzfeed news joins us to discuss the DOJ investigation and Alex Jones being banned by Twitter. Finally, with all this talk about political voices being suppressed and social media companies and the algorithms that decide what you see. DO you actually know how your Facebook news feed works? A new study says over half of users don’t know how it all works. Mike Snider, Money and Tech Reporter for USA Today, fills us in on how your newsfeed works and how to make it give you more of the news you want. Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.