PES 201: Jason "Retailgeek" Goldberg
My guest is Jason "Retailgeek" Goldberg, cohost of The Jason a Scot Show (an e-commerce podcast). Find him on Twitter @retailgeek Overview of Jason's production workflow: RX 7 Standard (if noise reduction is required) Adobe Audition Loudness Normalization -23 LUFs Scheps omni-channel w/ settings from Chris Curran Fabfilter plugins, Accusonus ERA 4 (if needed / rarely used) Exported ISO's to Auphonic Multitrack Auphonic mixes in intro/outro music, levels the episode, adds metadata, generates MP3, uploads to libsyn, (and to Google translate and Dropbox) Show notes in WordPress (pasted into Libsyn for publishing) Jason's equipment: Home Studio: MKH-416 ---g Rolls Mic Mute ---g MixPre-6 Gen 2 (recorder and interface) ---g MacBook Pro 15 Solo Travel kit: Beyerdynamic M201TG ---g Fethead ---g Centrance Mic Port 2 Group Location: SM58's ---g MixPre-6 Gen 2 Other stuff we discussed: RE20 w/Cloudlifter O.C. White boom arm mounted to the wall Hook Studios: OCTO-842S pop filter and THS-MDM Microphone Decoupler Mogami cables Rolls Mic Switch Nightlights from Zazzle!!! X-keys, widgets with various numbers of keys Microsoft Teams Crossgating using Auphonic Sends audio to be transcribed Time offset - conversation comes in X seconds before the intro piece ends Duplicate Post plugin for WordPress Thanks for being a great guest and sharing so much with us, Jason! DID YOU KNOW........We exist for the purpose of helping you, so please comment below with any questions or remarks. We appreciate you listening. Want to Start a Business or Have a Career as a Podcast Producer/Engineer? Listen and Subscribe in Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, TuneIn, Android, RSS, Email