PES 046: Mike Murphy
My guest is Mike Murphy, host and producer of Mike Murphy Unplugged. He also created the Podcaster Toolkit (resources and tutorials for content creators), which btw is very completely different from our friend Ralph Rivera's Podcaster's Toolbox ;) Equipment, workflow, processing, production time-savers... We discussed all of these, including: The Essential Sound Panel in Adobe Audition (match loudness feature, etc.) Recording resolution (32 bit, 44.1 kHz) EQ'ing by rolling off lows and adding "air" on top Shure SM7B mic Rode NT-1 mic Rode PSA-1 boom arm CL-1 Cloudlifter Allan and Heath ZED-10 mixer Sony MDR 7506 headphones Recording into a Macbook Pro Normalization Thanks for being a great guest, Mike! DID YOU KNOW........We exist for the purpose of helping you, so please comment below with any questions or remarks. Thanks for listening! Want to Start a Business or Have a Career as a Podcast Producer/Engineer? Listen and Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, Android, RSS