PES 039: The Return of Max Flight
My guest (for his 2nd appearance) is Max Flight, host of Airplane Geeks Podcast, co-host and producer of The UAV Digest and the #PaxEx Podcast. Max continues to amp up his production quality, equipment and workflow so I wanted to speak with him about his new toys and plugins. (check out his first appearance here) We covered: How Max and I eliminated some slight distortion from his signal just before recording this session Aston Microphones “Spirit" (A 20% coupon helped. Max likes it, though it's obviously different than his Heil PR40 in many ways. Certainly requires different EQ - mostly a 3 or 4db bump around 4K, to his ear) Warm Audio WA12 mic pre (Max saw it at a Guitar Center, "Look honey, it's orange!" and Googled the reviews, so he bought it at a really good price) Waves DeBreath plugin Spitfish de-esser (one of his guests on Airplane Geeks had a huge sibilance problem) Thanks again, Max! FYI, follow Max on Twitter @MaxFlight DID YOU KNOW........We exist for the purpose of helping you, so please comment below with any questions or remarks. Thanks for listening! Want to Start a Business or Have a Career as a Podcast Producer/Engineer? Listen and Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, Android, RSS