PES 030: Cliff Ravenscraft
My guest is Cliff Ravenscraft, the Podcast Answer Man! I actually got my start in podcasting by watching his tutorial videos ;) He began podcasting in 2005, and since then he has trained many, many people how to start and produce their podcast. Enjoy this episode! We discussed Cliff's hardware setup and workflow, including: Noise reduction Mackie VLZ4 MDX-4600 Roland R-05 iJingle Pro - app to play sound clips Using the audio from a Snapchat video on an audio podcast Adobe Audition (single track editor, broadcast preset of multiband compressor) Thanks for a great chat, Cliff! DID YOU KNOW........We exist for the purpose of helping you, so please comment below with any questions or remarks. Thanks for listening! Want to Start a Business or Have a Career as a Podcast Producer/Engineer? Listen and Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, Android, RSS