PES 018: Jason Bryant
My guest is Jason Bryant, founder of Mat Talk Online and the Mat Talk Podcast Network. We had a great chat - listen to get the full effect ;) Here's an overview of Jason's equipment and workflow (taken from an email he previously sent me): I host 10 different shows (of the 14 on the network) Using a MacBook Pro with an AT2005 microphone for my home set up. Routed through a Yamaha MG102C and a FocusRite 2i2. I use the AT2005 based on it’s sound and flexibility. I record for triple redundancy. I use Adobe Audition as my main recording option, but also record externally out of the Yamaha board into a Zoom H5 (my audio in one channel, caller’s audio in the other). I also use ECamm Call recorder as a backup. The ECamm/Skype is using the USB portion of the AT2005, while the mixer and Focusrite are using the XLR portion of it — so if any channel goes out, I don’t have to stop the interview, I can keep going with three relatively clean copies of the recording. With the Skype setup, I’m running a mix-minus from the aux send through a Behringer U-Control, so when I play back other call audio to the guest, they can hear it, same with music, effects and drops, which I’ve got lined into the Yamaha from another MacBook Pro. Most of my shows are hosted on Libsyn, but I have three that are hosted on Blubrry (two of them archived or retired shows). On the road, I’ve used the H5 with the add-on so I can get 4 XLR mics (they’re either AT2100’s or AT2005). When I’m doing interviews in press conference situations, I’m using a Sennheiser MD46. It’s a dynamic mic with an elongated handle with room for a mic flag and it works well with the long time you have to hold the mic. Thank you for being a great guest, Jason! DID YOU KNOW........We exist for the purpose of helping you, so please comment below with any questions or remarks. Thanks for listening! Want to Start a Business or Have a Career as a Podcast Producer/Engineer? Listen and Subscribe in iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, Android, RSS