Episode 15: Episode 15: Introduction to Shiny
Just in time for the new year is a new episode of the R-Podcast! I give a brief introduction to the Shiny package for creating web applications using R code, provide some of my tips and tricks I have learned (sometimes the hard way) when creating applications, and point to excellent resources and example apps in the community that show the immense potential at your fingertips. You will see that r-podcast.org has gotten a major overhaul, and as a consequence the RSS feeds have changed slightly. Be sure to check out the Subscribe page for the updated feeds, but all of the previous episodes have been migrated successfully. As always you can provide your feedback in multiple ways: - New Feature: Provide a comment on this episode post directly (powered by the Disqus commenting system) - Email the show at thercast[at]gmail.com - Use the new Contact Form directly on the site. - Leave a voicemail at at +1-269-849-9780 Happy New Year and I hope you enjoy the episode!