Transitioning to Bloom, Predatory Bugs, and More, with Wolfman
Wolfman is back on the line to discuss some of the most important things growers should be considering when they transition to the flowering stage. Wolfman talks about his recent time in the cannabis retail world, and talks about the increase in predatory bug usage in his area. He also talks about some popular grow products designed to help prevent and even reverse accidental flowering, and the demise of those brands. Then Wolfman dives into different facets of growing to consider when approaching flower, including plant support, pest control reduction, height projection and more. The guys also touch on autoflowers and their integration into the multi harvest outdoor cycles, and where outdoors growers are at with their light deprivation runs right now. Wolfman wraps up the show discussing feed charts, and how it may be best to find a trustworthy hydro store and follow their guidelines to maximize different grow products. ---Today's show is brought to you by Atlas Plant Trainer customizable plant support system that provides optimal cannabis plant training and support. Promo code growcast for 10% off, and join for 25% off Atlas Plant Trainers! --- ---Today's show is brought to you by Nute Tools, visit and get the Nute Needle today- the perfect tool for nutrient measuring and mixing. Promo code growcast for 10% off site wide, and join to 25% off all Nute Tools! ---