Episode 006: the 12-Step Buddhist Podcast: Sex Addiction is a Brain Disease
Episode 006 - the 12-Step Buddhist Podcast: Sex Addiction is a Brain Disease - Interview with Dr. Sarah Ullman Website: http://the12stepbuddhist.com Format: 128kbps MP3 Time: 44:31 Highlights: Thanks to jazz pianist Clay Giberson for the show intro Ask the 12-Step Buddhist - audience question: from a listener, "I'm a Buddhist and a sex addict, what can I do?" Answer: An interview with Sarah Ullman, Ph.D. Clinical Psychology Neuropsychology http://drsarahullman.com http://thesexaddictedbrain.com http://twitter.com/drsarahullman Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress Specializing in the Social Neuroscience of Sexual Addiction and Arousal Dysregulation PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 76 Ritttenhouse Place Ste #203 Ardmore, PA 19003 Tel # 610-642-4454 Fax # 610-795-7127