Episode 002: the 12-Step Buddhist Podcast: Who is an Addict?, 5 Min. Meditation: on a rock
Episode 002 - the 12-Step Buddhist Podcast: 5 Min. Meditation of the Rock, Who is An Addict? Website: http://the12stepbuddhist.com Format: 160kbps MP3 Time: 32:11 Highlights: Five Minute Meditation: of the rock Thanks to jazz pianist Clay Giberson for the show intro Darren's background 10-0-10 Definition of addiction, abstinence in different programs Website features: How Many Buddhas? Ask the 12-Step Buddhist - audience question: How to do 12-Step recovery as an agnostic in a mostly Christian town Daily Meditation SMS program - Sign up for 12-Step Buddhist inspirational text messages Recitation from the Sutra of Golden Light, per Lama Zopa Rinpoche