A Teaching on Using Breathing Meditation to Overcome Dissatisfaction (Podcast Episode #005)
Today is the first day of 2016 and as such we are very happy to present you with a new Podcast episode where His Holiness gives a brief but powerful teaching on breathing (shamatha) meditation. This particular recording comes from a recent trip to Europe where His Holiness began talking about how dissatisfaction often creeps into our lives because we are so focused on outer forms of "happiness" and entertainment. These may seem like they bring happiness but actually just lead to more and more wants. His Holiness then spoke about how breathing meditation can serve to "bring us home" because it is very natural and resting by its nature. The simple act of breathing meditation can help us to realize the mind's amazing qualities. You can get the podcast here on iTunes or simply download the episode right here. Please make sure you subscribe in iTunes to be notified of new episodes.