Overcoming Negative Emotions in Daily Life (Podcast Episode #002)

Today we are happy to bring you the second episode in the new Podcast series containing selected talks and teachings by His Holiness the 17th Karmapa. This special teaching comes from Karmapa's most recent trip to the USA and has Tibetan with an English translation. The talk was organized by a vibrant local Dharma center (that had to hire a hall to accommodate all the members present!) where the lama requested that Karmapa teach on any topic that he liked. His Holiness determined that loving kindness and compassion would be a good topic and begun a beautiful impromptu talk about how to apply the Dharma to daily life and overcome negative emotions or kleshas. You can get the podcast here on iTunes or simply download the episode right here. Please make sure you subscribe in iTunes to be notified of new episodes.

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