Ep. 3 - Loving-kindness Meditation a Group Learning Program
Learn Loving-kindness Meditation to eliminate hatred, anger, resentment, and other negative discontent feelings associated with the unEnlightened mind so that you can cultivate active goodwill towards all beings without judgment through gradual training of the mind .Group Learning Program - LIVE Interactive Online Classes, Book, Audiobook, Videos, Podcast and Personal Guidance https://bit.ly/GroupLearningProgram ——-Daily Wisdom - Walking The Path with The BuddhaDedicated to the education of Gotama Buddha's teachings to attain Enlightenment.https://www.BuddhaDailyWisdom.com (See our website for online learning, courses, and retreats.)Group Learning Program - LIVE Interactive Online Classes, Book, Audiobook, Videos, Podcast and Personal Guidancehttps://bit.ly/GroupLearningProgramFREE Book - Developing a Life Practice: The Path That Leads to Nibbanahttps://bit.ly/FreeBuddhaBook-NEW-Edition-7Facebook: https://bit.ly/DailyWisdom-FacebookYouTube: https://bit.ly/DailyWisdom-YoutubePodcast: https://bit.ly/DailyWisdom-PodcastSupport our efforts to share the teachings of Gotama Buddha with you and world-wide for all people using this link. https://www.buddhadailywisdom.com/supportbuddha