E2: The Angry Brigade, part 1
The first of a two-part interview about the Angry Brigade, Britain’s first urban guerrilla group, with John Barker, author, who in 1972 was convicted for being part of the organisation. Part 2 is here: https://soundcloud.com/workingclasshistory/angry-brigade-p2 Check out John’s website and buy his books here: https://www.theharrier.net/ And check out John Barker’s radical London playlist, a collection of tracks which Brigaders were listening to at the time here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL71HxBMvC6byAUIVUB3Hm_h4HLy26FIKr This is a detailed history of the Angry Brigade: https://libcom.org/library/angry-brigade-history-britains-first-urban-guerilla-group And this is a comprehensive chronology of Angry Brigade activities and collection of all their documentation: https://libcom.org/history/angry-brigade-documents-chronology FOOTNOTES 1. Society of the Spectacle – Guy Debord – you can read it online here: https://libcom.org/library/society-of-the-spectacle-debord 2. King Mob – here is a short introduction to the group: https://libcom.org/history/mob-who-shouldnt-really-be-here-hari-kunzru ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Edited by Tyler Hill of the Gods & Ghosts podcast: https://tylerkenthill.podbean.com/ Our theme tune is Bella Ciao, thanks for permission to use it from Dischi del Sole. You can purchase it here: http://www.alabianca.it/store/bravo-records/le-canzoni-di-bella-ciao-aa-vv/ Or stream it here: https://open.spotify.com/album/6yXBmaTSWDKWz45JuE78xi?si=imm7zdnXQrWJWUUEzgNEAQ