443 - Coin Concede "Dragon Down Ladder"
It's the day Magesa has been waiting for, since Demon Hunter was nerfed, it's Zarimi Priest's time to shine, and we're going to help you learn how to climb with it! Plus, we have a recap of last weekend's Masters Tour, and we dust off the economy bumper to talk about all of the upheaval with weekly quests that's happened since 29.2 went live.
News – 19:16
- Patch 29.2 Known Issues
- Forced Recast Rules Change
- Shop Updates
- The Quest Thing
Tournaments – 58:22
- Masters Tour Recap
Decksplanations – 1:18:00
- Zarimi Priest
- Deck Overview
- Macro Gameplay
- Micro Gameplay
- Matchups and Mulligans
The Show Notes for this week’s episode are on our Website
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