2. Finding your Dream Job: Breaking into your dream industry, Finding your Passion, Getting real about your strengths and shortcomings, side hustles

Are you not exactly in your dream job? Whether you’re having trouble breaking into your industry of choice or not even sure WHAT your dream job IS – you are not alone.  Today on our roundtable we have on two boss babes who have had two very different paths to get their dream careers. We’ll talk about how they got their foot in the door, different ways to climb the corporate ladder, and some surprising mistakes YOU might be making to keep you from getting the job of your dreams. Then we switch gears and have our Career Coach, Joceyln Miller, on to help those of us who are not even sure where to start. Some resources she specifically  talks about in the podcast are below.  The official  Myers Briggs Test: http://www.mbtionline.com/ (www.mbtionline.com) Strengths Finder: http://www.gallupstrengthscenter.com/ (www.gallupstrengthscenter.com) Cognitive Preference Survey: https://apps.gtdfocus.com/surveys (https://apps.gtdfocus.com/surveys) Please note – these tests require separate fees, so I’ve included a few free resources for you below! https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test (https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test) https://high5test.com/ (https://high5test.com/) Want to learn more about our guests? Check them out:  Naz Perez: https://www.instagram.com/nazperez/?hl=en (@NazPerez) HeartBroken Anonymous: http://www.heartbrokenanonymous.com/ (http://www.heartbrokenanonymous.com/)  Emily Evans: https://www.instagram.com/emilykevans/?hl=en (@emilykevans) Jocelyn: http://www.jocelynmariemiller.com/about/ (www.jocelynmariemiller.com/about/) - You can schedule a discovery call with Jocelyn through her website. I’ve done it and highly recommend you taking her up on it!! Stay Connected! https://www.instagram.com/Bigkidproblems/?hl=en (@BigKidproblems) Sarah’s personal IG https://www.instagram.com/sarahamerrill_/?hl=en (@SarahaMerrill) Big THANK YOU to our episode sponsor: OneHope Wine! Finding ways to make more money is always a Big Kid Problem worth solving. Are you looking for a side hustle or new career in 2019? What if I told you you could get paid to work from home, sell wine, host tasting parties, and give back to nonprofits all at the same time? With ONEHOPE Wine you can do just that! Visit http://onehopewine.com/join (onehopewine.com/join), fill out the form, and under “How Did You Hear About Us? select “Big Kid Problems”  CHEERS! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/s/92ddf30/podcast/sponsor/acugkf/url/https%3A%2F%2Fanchor.fm%2Fapp (https://anchor.fm/app) Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/bigkidproblems/support (https://anchor.fm/bigkidproblems/support)

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